Condominium Inspections
You might think that the purchase of a condominium would make a “home inspection” unnecessary. Quite the opposite is true. Condominiums are every bit as complicated as a free-standing home and introduce an extra level of complexity – shared resources or building elements. Your realtor will help you understand some of the purchase differences and contract language that should be specified in a condominium purchase, but often it’s just as important to inspect the condominium unit and to identify any systems that are shared because unexpected repairs or concerns in these items may end-up hitting you with unexpected special assessments or increases in condo fees.
The shared components most likely to need scrutiny include the following:
- Roofs
- Common plumbing or water supply
- Common electrical, cable or internet
- Common fire safety equipment
- Common entrances
- Shared exterior finishing
Of course, every building is different but a condo inspection from Holley Home Inspections will make sure you get a thorough assessment of of the elements in your unit and for common or shared elements.
Contact Us Now to book your appointment